Millions of hotels, electronics, video games. What to spend cryptocurrency on

Millions of hotels, electronics, video games. What to spend cryptocurrency on

Bitcoin is gaining more and more recognition in the world. You can use it to pay for your Twitch subscription, buy plane tickets, book a hotel, and much more. We will tell you which services accept digital money. 1. For travelers Tourism is one of the areas that is adapting the fastest to dealing with digital assets. You can book a hotel almost anywhere in the world by paying with cryptocurrency using the service.…

Research: Growth in Ethereum Transactions Fueled by Trading Bots

Research: Growth in Ethereum Transactions Fueled by Trading Bots

Certus One co-founder Hendrik Hofstadt attributed the marked increase in Ethereum transactions to the architecture of the popular Geth client. The fact is that now the Geth client, used by Ethereum miners, executes transactions with the same gas size in a random order. This is used by trading companies – they create bots that monitor the queue of unconfirmed transactions on the network. If large transactions are detected on decentralized platforms, such bots create new…