Polkadot Developers Launch Rococo Testnet

Polkadot Developers Launch Rococo Testnet

On August 4, Polkadot developers launched the Rococo testnet to implement sharding using parallel chains (parachains). According to the developers, the key parameter of shards is communication, otherwise they will act as independent chains. Shards need to interact with peers to enable sending tokens between shards. Rococo’s new testnet is specifically designed to test Polkadot protocols that will enable communication between shards. Three separate parachains are available in Rococo: “tick”, “trick” and “track”, and developers…

Not just bitcoin. How is blockchain useful for marketing?

Not just bitcoin. How is blockchain useful for marketing?

Distributed ledger already used in logistics, finance and medicine, the next target is the advertising market. The introduction of technology will help solve a number of problems, for example, the collection of personal data of users by large corporations. However, blockchain is still not perfect. Blockchain is used in various fields: finance, logistics, government accounting and medicine. Gradually, distributed ledger technology is included in marketing. While most startups aren’t offering anything ground-breaking, blockchain has potential…