Coinbase Leaves Blockchain Association After Joining Binance.US

Coinbase Leaves Blockchain Association After Joining Binance.US

Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange withdrew from the Blockchain Association advocacy group due to the fact that Binance.US joined it. Coinbase management believes that the decision to include Binance.US as a member of the Blockchain Association is contrary to the mission of this organization. Coinbase called such a step ill-considered, and it allegedly could cause “irreparable damage” to the credibility of the Association. At the same time, the exchange did not indicate what the damage could be…

A vulnerability was found in the Tor browser that allows to steal bitcoins

A vulnerability was found in the Tor browser that allows to steal bitcoins

A cybersecurity specialist working under the pseudonym nusenu discovered a vulnerability in the confidential Tor browser. Hackers can get a chance to steal bitcoins if they take control of the exit nodes. The Tor browser uses technology that increases the anonymity of users on the network by hiding their IP addresses. The data is encrypted using “onion routing” through multiple intermediate nodes. According to researcher nusenu, the main threat is the operators of the exit…