Ireland will tighten regulation of the cryptocurrency industry

Ireland will tighten regulation of the cryptocurrency industry

Ireland will introduce amendments to the legislation that will tighten the regulation of the cryptocurrency industry to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee announced that a bill will soon be presented to implement the EU’s Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD), which entered into force in January 2020. The Cabinet of Ministers supported the amendments to the current legislation. The updated money laundering law will contain provisions for all participants in…

Coinbase will issue loans secured by bitcoins in the US

Coinbase will issue loans secured by bitcoins in the US

Coinbase, a major American cryptocurrency exchange, is preparing to launch the Borrow loan service in the United States, within which customers will be able to receive loans in US dollars secured by bitcoins. The launch of Coinbase Borrow is scheduled for this fall, while initially only 17 US states will be able to use the service. However, in the future it is planned to expand the geography of the lending service. In addition, if at…

The Block: Ethereum Miners Revenues Hit Two-Year High

The Block: Ethereum Miners’ Revenues Hit Two-Year High

The Block analyst Larry Cermak reports that Ethereum miners earned $ 143.8 million in July, the highest in 23 months. Interestingly, in recent months, the share of miners’ income not from block mining, but from transaction fees has been growing significantly. Of the total revenue of $ 143.8 million, transaction fee income was 23%, or about $ 33 million. By comparison, in May, commission income accounted for only 10% of total miners’ income. Bitcoin miners…