The Peoples Bank of China created a black list of OTC traders accounts

The People’s Bank of China created a “black list” of OTC traders’ accounts

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has begun blacklisting the accounts of large OTC cryptocurrency traders as part of its anti-money laundering program. According to WuBlockchain, China’s Central Bank has launched a campaign against money laundering through cryptocurrencies. The initiative to blacklist linked accounts is part of a broader anti-money laundering effort in China. Earlier this year, the NBK launched a campaign to eradicate illicit proceeds and requested account information and transaction details from banks…

The developer has discovered an attack vector on Wumbo channels

The developer has discovered an attack vector on Wumbo channels

Lightning Labs developer Joost Jager described a micropayment network vulnerability that could lead to compromise of Lightning Network channels at low cost. Joost Jager said the Lightning Network could attack Wumbo payment channels, which allow for larger transactions on the network and increase transaction volumes. Prior to the addition of Wumbo Channels this summer, users could create channels with a maximum capacity of 0.1677 BTC – this limitation was made as a precautionary measure. Jager…