Genesis mining will use heat from BTC mining to heat greenhouses

Genesis mining will use heat from BTC mining to heat greenhouses

Mining company Genesis Mining has announced the launch of a pilot project to use surplus energy from bitcoin mining to heat greenhouses in the Swedish city of Buden. Genesis Mining has created special mining containers that will connect to the greenhouses through a ventilation system used to transfer excess energy. According to calculations carried out at the Luleå Technical University, a 550 kW container will be enough to heat a greenhouse of 300 square meters.…

The digital evolution of the financial sector and why DeFi is the future

The digital evolution of the financial sector and why DeFi is the future

The existing financial system has a lot to offer, but not everyone has access to it and sometimes its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. The DeFi industry is gaining more and more popularity. Decentralized finance (DeFi) opens up access to financial services for people around the world. DeFi mitigates the risks of losing hard-earned money due to financial institutions’ risk-taking, error, and fraud. In addition, people can avoid the problems that come with the…