BitMEX Researchers Has Discovered BTC Double Spend Microtransaction

BitMEX Researchers Has Discovered BTC Double Spend Microtransaction

BitMEX Research has identified an alleged double-spend transaction of 0.00062063 BTC (about $ 21) at block 666,833. This was likely by accident. The ForkMonitor BitMEX service reported on January 20 that “several blocks were created in Bitcoin at block height 666 833”, as a result of which one of the chains won, the rest of the blocks were lost. A double spend transaction occurred while undoing an “old” block. Given the insignificance of the amount,…

Review of US cryptocurrency wallets regulation rules has suspended

Review of US cryptocurrency wallets regulation rules has suspended

US President Joe Biden froze consideration of bills proposed by the previous administration, including rules for regulating non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets. According to a statement on the White House website, consideration of laws and regulations proposed by the administration of the past president has been temporarily suspended. This also applies to the rules for regulating cryptocurrency wallets proposed by the American Financial Crimes Network (FinCEN) in December. The new government’s initiative received support from cryptocurrency advocates…