Chilean Senate Receives Bill on Recognizing Bitcoin as a Means of Payment

Chilean lawmakers are considering a proposal to recognize bitcoin as legal tender. According to analysts, the chances of parliamentary approval of the new law are low. In early November 2021, MP Karim Bianchi introduced a bill to the Chilean Senate to recognize and regulate the use of bitcoin as a means of payment on a par with the Chilean peso. The politician believes that the new law will provide a legal basis for subsequent regulatory…

Not gold anymore? Why Evergrande’s default crashed the cryptocurrency market by more than 20%

On Saturday morning, there was information about a possible default on the bonds of the Chinese developer Evergrande Group. Investors in a panic collapsed bitcoin by 25%, but the fun begins on Monday. On Saturday, December 4, a statement by the Chinese construction company China Evergrande Group appeared on the network, where it warned shareholders and investors about the impossibility of guaranteeing the fulfillment of financial obligations and payment of interest on bonds of $…