Kenyan AfyaRekod launched a system for storing medical data on the blockchain

The Kenyan medical company AfyaRekod has opened access to an automated universal system based on the blockchain for patients of medical institutions. AfyaRekod partners with the Kenyan Association of Sisterhoods, the Healthy Mind Foundation of Nigeria, AURA of South Africa, GE Healthcare, Telkom, AI Center of Excellence, Adanian Labs technology company and Lishe Living nutrition company, as well as the Africa Blockchain Center. The AfyaRekod platform was created as part of the NVIDIA AI program,…

Ethereum developer predicts switch to PoS in September

The Ethereum puncture support engineer from the Ethereum Foundation announced the expected date for the merger of the test network with the main network and the transition to the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. Tim Beiko has tweeted out a timeline for Ethereum to move from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS). According to the document, the merger of Ethereum with the test blockchain is scheduled for September 19, 2022. The specialist warned that…