Poll: More than half of US banks consider blockchain and cryptocurrencies to be “secondary tasks”

According to a survey conducted by the US Federal Reserve, most of the country’s banks have transferred developments in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain to the status of “secondary tasks”. Top finance managers of 80 major US banks participated in the survey. Of these, 56% said that blockchain products and crypto-currency services are now considered “low priority” or even “not significant” for business growth over the next two years. Only 27% of respondents noted…

Metaverse Yuga Labs announced the first visitors

The Otherside project has demonstrated the possibilities of its own virtual platform for land owners in Otherdeed and developers. The metaverse team created by Yuga Labs invited 4,300 players for a first tech demo of the online platform. The virtual travelers were accompanied by a monkey avatar from the Yuga Labs collection. The tour participants who visited Biogenic Swamp were either land deed holders at Otherdeed or select developers of the studio’s other projects. Otherdeed…