BIS Innovation Center is preparing a platform for testing digital currencies of the Central Bank

BIS Innovation Center is preparing a platform for testing digital currencies of the Central Bank

The Singapore branch of the BIS Innovation Center is developing an international platform for testing Central Banks’ digital currencies. The management of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said that one of its top priorities in 2021 is the study of government digital currencies. BIS intends to explore how these tools can speed up cross-border payments and reduce fees. BiS Innovation Center also plans to study a multi-tier architecture for distributing digital currencies between users.…

Review of US cryptocurrency wallets regulation rules has suspended

Review of US cryptocurrency wallets regulation rules has suspended

US President Joe Biden froze consideration of bills proposed by the previous administration, including rules for regulating non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets. According to a statement on the White House website, consideration of laws and regulations proposed by the administration of the past president has been temporarily suspended. This also applies to the rules for regulating cryptocurrency wallets proposed by the American Financial Crimes Network (FinCEN) in December. The new government’s initiative received support from cryptocurrency advocates…

BitMEX Researchers Has Discovered BTC Double Spend Microtransaction

BitMEX Researchers Has Discovered BTC Double Spend Microtransaction

BitMEX Research has identified an alleged double-spend transaction of 0.00062063 BTC (about $ 21) at block 666,833. This was likely by accident. The ForkMonitor BitMEX service reported on January 20 that “several blocks were created in Bitcoin at block height 666 833”, as a result of which one of the chains won, the rest of the blocks were lost. A double spend transaction occurred while undoing an “old” block. Given the insignificance of the amount,…

Ernst & Young proposes to the court to change the date of calculation of rates of cryptoassets for payments to creditors QuadrigaCX

Ernst & Young proposes to the court to change the date of calculation of rates of cryptoassets for payments to creditors QuadrigaCX

The trustee of the closed cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX will agree with the court on the date of fixing cryptocurrency rates for payment of compensation. On January 26, Ernst & Young (EY) will go to court with a proposal to set a date for assessing claims for cryptocurrencies instead of the date of bankruptcy of the exchange on April 15, 2019. The trustee takes a different position than one of the claim holders, the cryptocurrency startup…

Celo will launch the euro pegged stablecoin cEUR

Celo will launch the euro pegged stablecoin cEUR

The developers of the Celo decentralized protocol are planning to launch the cEUR stablecoin, which will be backed by a basket of digital assets pegged to the euro. The launch is scheduled for March 2021. This was announced by Marek Olszewski, a partner at cLabs, a firm involved in the development of the project. The protocol is still at the testing stage, but in a few months the developers will be ready to “release it”.…

Dubai Financial Regulator Develops Crypto Assets Regulation

Dubai Financial Regulator Develops Crypto Assets Regulation

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) plans to submit two advisory documents on cryptoasset regulation in 2021. The Dubai International Financial Center Special Economic Zone Financial Regulatory Authority will develop a regulatory framework for digital assets as part of the 2021-2022 business plan, released this week. According to information from the DFSA, the future cryptoasset regulation structure will expand the Authority’s powers over digital asset issuers and associated trading platforms. The framework will include rules…

Ethereum developers has updated Berlin hardfork spec

Ethereum developers has updated Berlin hardfork spec

Ethereum developer James Hancock has released five Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP) updated in the Berlin hardfork specification. The Berlin update aims to improve the current Ethereum Proof-of-Work (PoW) network. Earlier, the developers decided to suspend work on the Berlin hard fork until August due to excessive dependence on the Geth client. Otherwise, any failure in this client could suspend the entire network. The developers considered that the best solution would be the transition of node…

MinePlex Launches Payment Gateway for Millions of Users

MinePlex Launches Payment Gateway for Millions of Users

Mobile cryptobank MinePlex announced the launch of a payment gateway that will open direct access to cryptocurrencies for millions of users around the world. The new service will allow customers to buy Mine tokens for fiat money without leaving their personal account. Immediately after the receipt of Mine tokens on the user’s wallet, a staking program will be launched, which allows you to earn up to 20% per month. In addition, users of MinePlex services…

Owner of Australian cryptocurrency exchanger demanded compensation from banks for closing accounts

Owner of Australian cryptocurrency exchanger demanded compensation from banks for closing accounts

The owner of the Australian exchanger, Allan Flynn, filed with ANZ and Westpac banks for blocking their bank accounts, demanding compensation of A $ 250,000. Allan Flynn (Allan Flynn) said that his service serves over 450 regular customers. Platform at the Australian Center for Accounting and Analysis of Financial Transactions (AUSTRAC). Despite this, banks refuse to service Flynn’s accounts. He accuses banks of systematic discrimination, saying that over the past three years, his bank accounts…

Coinbase Users Will Submit Tax Returns Through CoinTracker

Coinbase Users Will Submit Tax Returns Through CoinTracker

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has partnered with tax software provider CoinTracker to make it easier for its users to file tax returns. CoinTracker co-founder Chandan Lodha said the service will allow Coinbase US users to calculate profits and losses from cryptocurrency transactions. With CoinTracker, traders will also be able to fill out Form 8949 and Appendix D to declare their digital assets. The tool can be used by individuals and accountants, and can also be used…