The Shanghai and Capella hard forks were successfully activated on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet. The update of the main network of the second cryptocurrency should take place in March.
Shanghai is updating the execution layer on the client side, and Capella is making some changes to the network consensus. The main change after the updates will be the ability to withdraw ethers from staking, and validators will be able to withdraw only rewards for staking. For staking, the validator needs to lock up 32 ETH.
“Sepolia testnet successfully upgraded to Shanghai and Capella. Some validators remain offline due to the old version of the geth client, but they will be back online soon. The Goerli testnet will be updated next,” the Ethereum developers wrote.
Earlier, analysts at investment bank JPMorgan said that after the Shanghai upgrade of the Ethereum mainnet, the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange will significantly increase its profits by adding ETH holders to the staking program.